Renunciation and technology

“But why wouldn’t you use it? It’s so convenient!”

I was surprised that he was surprised. I was talking to a very intelligent technologist, someone who thought deeply about his craft. It got me thinking about the respect shown to renunciation in this culture, compared to other places I have been.

Nine years ago I renounced the eating of meat. At the beginning most people questioned it, but our culture has really come around to plant-based diets. When I was 18 my first alcohol experience was embarrassing and I swore it off. For the next decade it was “Oh, just a little won’t hurt, right?” Nowadays people don’t question it. During my year as an Upāsaka I took the 5 Precepts among other commitments. After years of living as a minimalist it was not that difficult, and very rewarding. I think I got the least pushback over that… maybe because it is religious?

Of all the renunciation choices in my life the most pushback I get from people are technology choices, like the person at the very beginning of this post. It’s okay when I tell people I quit Facebook in 2010 (Facebook is no longer fashionable anyways) but if it is a particularly popular or widespread app, I get disbelief (or dismissed as an unwashed hippie 😅).

Free and Open Source crusaders have been fighting the fight for ethical software for decades. We finally started to see some regulatory movement against tech monopolies, and I have seen more general discussion of Luddism in the zeitgeist. I was hoping for a change in the culture but now that Big Tech has captured the White House, I think we need to look elsewhere for that change. This is certainly a new opportunity to be talking more about mindful decision-making in tech adoption.

Where to start, and some provocations

Traditionally, renunciation is a practice about removing attachments to gain freedom, it is a path to personal liberation. It is about pursuing a purposeful “good life”. Renunciation of conveniences or consumer products can free up time/money/attention/etc to be spent on more deeply engaging with meaningful pursuits.

But what should we renounce? In 2018 I taught digital ethics to a Computer Science 101 class using Shannon Vallor’s Technology and the Virtues: A Philosophical Guide to a Future Worth Wanting, an excellent resource for thinking about the practice of moral self-cultivation in a technological world. She notes:

Aristotle explains that, just as a geometrically wise person will ‘see’ that what is mathematically significant about three intersecting lines is that they form a triangle, a practically wise person (a phronimos) will reliably ‘see’ and attend to the morally significant facts of concrete situations.

There is more consciousness-raising about tech ethics that needs to be done. Renunciation is a practice of moral cultivation, but one must have a certain level of cultivation before they can properly pursue renunciation.

I ended that first CompSci class with the following Questions to think about which I will leave for you to consider and maybe to comment on:

Here are some more provocations:

Check out my Uses page where you will find a list of things I DO NOT use. I am by no means a perfect paragon of technology ethics ("we all can’t be Buddhas"), but this supposed to be a practice, which means it is ongoing. If you make a DO NOT USE list, please share. All of our lists do not need to look exactly the same, everyone has their own life contingencies, but I relish the free and open discussion.


Slide from my Computer Science 101 course introducing the technomoral virtues from Shannon Vallor’s Technology and the Virtues: A Philosophical Guide to a Future Worth Wanting

Long form