Recent Replies
@jamesvandyne you are just south of us! Welcome to this side of the ocean! Much more bearable heat, eh?
@jamesvandyne This place is lovely. I didn’t stay here but we did a feast and hung around the hotel one afternoon. Imagine coming over by plane in the early days like Elvis and all those old movie stars???
@maique that’s just amazing
@djt miraculous!
@chadkoh Got a massage after this. The masseur came out and looked like a young Bolo Yeung! Huge forearms and vintage 1988 Bloodsport mullet! But he was gentle, and didn’t knock me off the platform once 💆♂️ #RelaxationKumite
@SimonWoods Thanks for the commiserations. 3 of those 18 are the Hinasama set my wife received when she was little and wanted to keep for future generations in Canada:
@Mtt love it. Big callout fan
@cygnoir I am also considering which has some good reviews from people I know. Infomaniak is the other for more heavy usage (like cloud infra and the like)
@rickcogley 🍻 👔
@val This time we hope it to be a long one. There is no family left for us in Japan. We would like to stay in one place for a good long while, see the kids off the uni… get a dog… stay still. My kids deserve some stability, and I’m nearing 50! Once they are out then I will be on my bike again! 😉
@val We took a while to do all the stuff that needs to get done: sold the apartment, filed final taxes, etc. We decided to wait out the school year which ends this week. So now we go back to Canada, to a suburb of Vancouver, to start the next chapter.
- ∞
@val ah yes, the old nightmaris fuelis
@aaronpk Will you share the recipe?
@Burk how about older adults? 🙏 😉
@pratik definitely in my top 5 fav films of all time! And brilliant soundtrack too.
@val Wow, that is lovely. I remember the Pamirs had a similar stark look to them.
How long are you there for?
@DaveyCraney The alley was super narrow. I was leaning against a cinderblock wall across the the stall while I filmed that! Serendipity!
@val This is basically every day of my life. 😅
@mejh 🍻
@manton Thank you sir!
@chadkoh (Fun fact: one of my very first jobs was working as a program assistant at the The University of British Columbia Centre Intercultural Communication. That summer we worked with members of Korea Telecom's leadership team on management skills for a global workforce. That was more than 25 years ago!)
@val Thank you! I have many more on my Flickr, since you are the adventurous type 😉
Trip reports here:
@crossingthethreshold I think of the guides I had... and what their life might be like now. They were really honest with us once we were out in the desert, away from prying eyes.