C - Deception Island, Antarctica
H - São Miguel do Araguaia, Brazil
A - Lake Guakhmaz, Azerbaijan
D - Akimiski Island, Canada
K - Golmund, China
O - Crater Lake, Oregon
H - Southwestern Kyrgyzstan

Check out the NASA site that spells out your name in Landsat images 🛰🗺 via @davidho@mastodon.world

chadkoh spelled out in landsat images

10 days catching up with family & friends in the Okanagan. Luckily no fires! Weather was amazing! Saw a ton of people we haven’t seen since we left for Kyoto. But there are still more! We’ll be back soon. Just now got back to the coast, getting ready for school next week. Have a good weekend! 🥂

First day of the Armstrong Fair, the local annual carnival + agricultural sales event + cowboy cosplay convention

Chad selfie in front of a barn with the sign: Interior Provincial Exhibition, Aug 28 - Sep 1A carnival stall selling Sno Kknes and Candy Apples, in the distance is the Zipper Carnival RideA dairy cow looks at the cameraMassive award-winning pumpkin labelled: 448 lbs

Enjoying some nice Okanagan wine wine 🥂 while watching the sunset over Okanagan Lake 🌅

Sun sets behind mountains across the lakeDry plants in the foreground and sunset in the backgroundBottle of Chardonnay and a tall wine glass on a table. Outside the window in the background is the sunset

Me tryna figure out how to type, mouse, and scroll on my friend’s Svalboard ergonomic keyboard. It is mind-blowing! 🤯 (I can’t even type my own damn name 😅 but it’s amazing how little movement you need to control this once you got used to it)

See more: svalboard.com

Chad with hands on (in?) the left and right hand keyboard units. Each finger rests on a key, but there are switches up, down, left, and right of each fingertip that can be triggered by moving the finger.  The palms rest on large trackballs which replace a mouse and scroll wheel. Svalboard keyboard from above

Doing a little holiday reading and writing here in the bright and dry Okanagan

Chad selfie on a patio wearing sunglasses. Bright blue sky and dry hills of Kelowna in the background

Catching a water taxi over to Granville Island to meet a mate from the Osaka tech community visiting Vancouver! 🛥️

Water taxi on False Creek with Science World in the background Chad selfie inside the boat with Yaletown in background Sailboats at anchorage with Yaletown in background Granville Bridge and Burrard Bridge from the water taxi

Sitting on the patio of a roastery called Kafka, looking over Rainbow Park with prominent indigenous flags, listening to an episode of Everyday Anarchism, next to a guy reading Marx in Spanish. #onbrand


Tight shot of the top of a mug of coffee, the arm of the man next to me holding “Formaciones económicas precapitalistas” with a public park in the background featuring large shade sails overhead with indigenous art

Wearing my shark shirt to the Vancouver Aquarium today. During the show a diver swims with the black-tipped reef sharks 🦈

Chad selfie at the Vancouver Aquarium entrance, by the Haida carving of an orcaBlack tipped reef shark turns away from the cameraChad’s head visible in a glass dome at the bottom of a jungle display full of greenery and small fishA honeycomb stingray with a pattern that looks like a cheetah scours the floor of the aquarium

I have a /uses page. Thinking of adding a “will not use” page 🤔: a list of software/services (eg. Facebook, Twitter, Uber, Substack etc etc etc) that I avoid, maybe with an explanatory link or two. I think RSL has a list like this. What do you think? Too long? 😅

“[Users can] access a map showing the city’s 900-plus camera network, pick the nearest camera to them, pose for the image, and capture a memory. A little button on the app captures the snap for you, and you can keep it in your phone like a photo booth strip, or as a polaroid-style photo.”

My city of just a half-million people has a network of 596 cameras. 🤯 Next hackathon I am building this.


A bit early, but here is Sunset Beach looking into English bay, downtown Vancouver 🌅

beach and water with ships at anchorage. the sun is still high in the sky but is starting to go down

My first Espresso Soda ☕️ 🥤

Different, but good! 😋

Drink glass on a wooden counter. The glass reveals three layers: clear soda on the bottom, dark brown espresso in the middle, and light brown crema on the top

Via @manton

Nice icon set on We Distribute with icons for many platforms and fediverse apps.

I hope @buttondown and other services adopt these soon!

Gorgeous day but only 24°C so I had to get a warm drink. (🙇‍♂️ Sorry FamiChiki crew back in Japan 🥵)

Chad selfie sitting on a cafe patio looking up at the clear sky with sunglasses on, holding a paper cup of coffee

When you get up in the middle of the night, never check your email. Why won’t I learn!? 🥱 🥱 🥱

(Today’s gonna be a long one)

Liquid Layers and TLDraw… what a demo! 🤩


After a couple months off, I am back to the First Law series with Last Argument of Kings by Joe Abercrombie. Exciting! 📚

Lovely day for a festival in #Vancouver

Water street in Gastown. The sun shines through the leaves of overhanging trees, Harbour Center visible in the distanceClose up of the famous Steam Clock with steam risingChad selfie at Canada Place. North Shore mountains in the distanceHarbour Center against a perfect blue sky. In the foreground Waterfront Station

We representing Iki at the Powell Street Festival, the biggest Japanese Canadian festival in the country. #Japan #Canada #ikijima

Chad and his daughter pose in front of a mikoshi wearing t-shirts from Ikijima