C - Deception Island, Antarctica
H - São Miguel do Araguaia, Brazil
A - Lake Guakhmaz, Azerbaijan
D - Akimiski Island, Canada
K - Golmund, China
O - Crater Lake, Oregon
H - Southwestern Kyrgyzstan
10 days catching up with family & friends in the Okanagan. Luckily no fires! Weather was amazing! Saw a ton of people we haven’t seen since we left for Kyoto. But there are still more! We’ll be back soon. Just now got back to the coast, getting ready for school next week. Have a good weekend! 🥂
Me tryna figure out how to type, mouse, and scroll on my friend’s Svalboard ergonomic keyboard. It is mind-blowing! 🤯 (I can’t even type my own damn name 😅 but it’s amazing how little movement you need to control this once you got used to it)
Sitting on the patio of a roastery called Kafka, looking over Rainbow Park with prominent indigenous flags, listening to an episode of Everyday Anarchism, next to a guy reading Marx in Spanish. #onbrand
I have a /uses page. Thinking of adding a “will not use” page 🤔: a list of software/services (eg. Facebook, Twitter, Uber, Substack etc etc etc) that I avoid, maybe with an explanatory link or two. I think RSL has a list like this. What do you think? Too long? 😅
“[Users can] access a map showing the city’s 900-plus camera network, pick the nearest camera to them, pose for the image, and capture a memory. A little button on the app captures the snap for you, and you can keep it in your phone like a photo booth strip, or as a polaroid-style photo.”
My city of just a half-million people has a network of 596 cameras. 🤯 Next hackathon I am building this.