Chinowa #Japan #Shrine ⛩️

Black and white image of a chinowa in front of a shrine. A chinowa is a large ring made out of grasses that you walk through to gain the protection of the kami

Panelists from the Atlantic Council give a primer on #internetgovernance history, how things changed with the Snowden revelations, the recent push for multilateralism, and how China sees the Global Digital Compact as a way to gain more leverage.…

Whoa! Slay 💅 #bloomScrolling

A Chinese dogwood tree in full bloom

Other than last day of school, it’s last day of Spring & National Indigenous Peoples Day, but also the 3rd anniversary of my father’s death. So I’m looking back on my writing and reflecting:……

Last day of school. 👩‍🎓

(No more lunch-making! 🙌 Daily fights about internet usage 😒)

Night run photo. 🏃‍♂️

Getting close to that full Moon and the end of spring 🌱💐

Night shot of a river with a freeway overpass crossing overhead. Up in the sky the moon glows brightly, almost full

Recognize the ills, let's do better — Short summary of

Imagination: A Manifesto (A Norton Short) by Ruha Benjamin 📚 In order to flourish as individuals and a society we must free ourselves from the strictures of standardized testing, industrialized education, “accelerated learning”, technocratic utopianism, solutionism, longtermism, white supremacy and eugenic thinking, the carceral state, credit scoring and the “ordinal society” (See Fourcade and Healy), and more! It is hard to be imaginative when we are oppressed… but we have to be imaginative to overthrow the oppressors.

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Warming up to listen to the whole new Evgeny Morozov podcast series with an excellent interview by and from This Machine Kills…

I am in the middle of two book series right now: Joe Abercrombie’s ( “The First Law” and Adrian Tchaikovsky’s ( “The Final Architecture”. In the middle I tells ya!

A handmade #FathersDay card from my smart A 12 year old daughter. Pretty great despite the commentary track. 🧝‍♀️💍⚔️(Both my kids spitefully refuse to watch the films or read the books because I have been trying to get them to since they were little)

Pencil illustration of Bilbao holding the One Ring with the words with weird fancy curlicues: Happy Father’s Day! The Lord of the RingsThe inside of the card showing two scenes: a long shot of Sam and Frodo at Mordor with The Eye of Sauron and Mt Doom; and the boats coming up to &10;The Pillars of the Kings. Her commentary: “I very much forgot that Father’s Day is real so I made this today”The back of the card simply has the following text: “it took like 3 hours to make this. This was not worth it.”

Oh I am so happy this out! Just dropped and can’t wait to listen. Thank you

#ikijima #壱岐島…

Packing, packing, packing… 📦 📦 📦

11th move in 4 years, 3 of which were international moves under pandemic conditions. We are getting good at this, but tbh I don’t want to do it anymore 😭

Whoa! New Evgeny Morozov podcast just dropped! (With music by Brian Eno!)

Various hydrangea #bloomscrolling #japan

Pink hydrangeaLight blue hydrangeaA small blue and green hydrangea in front of a large blue oneBlue hydrangea

Rokuharamitsuji. See how colourful Japanese temples used to be before all the wabi-sabi? Finally got to see the Kūya statue. He’s said to have introduced the nenbutsu to Japan. The figures coming out his mouth represent the syllables NA-MO-A-MI-DA-BUTSU #kyoto #Japan #Buddhism

Colourful eaves of a Japanese temple Statue of Kuya standing with his drum. A wire protrudes from his mouth with 6 little Amida Bodhisatvas attached Close up of Kuya statue's head where you can clearly see the wire protruding from his mouth with 6 little Amida Bodhisatvas standing up

At Sanjusangendo, the EXTRA WIDE temple built to accomodate 1000 life-sized 1000-armed Kannon. Inside is ASTOUNDING (no pics 😞). My 1st time after 25 yrs in Kyoto! This is the backside where they have an annual archery competition where young women wear their best kimono and shoot for New Years

Chad selfie pointing at a long temple building

Apparently my Gr9 daughter’s friend group says that I am “basically three teenage girls in a trenchcoat” 🤷‍♂️💅

During my run tonight I was encouraged by this banger: “Run towards your future!”…

#anarchism #punk #bookchin #MutualAid #utopia

Post-run cooldown under the train bridge 🏃‍♂️🚈

Train passes over bridge at night over a river with light reflected in it

After sharing this on MAE, our tech policy community, I continue to share this link to others. The report shows how Big Tech controls AI through corporate VC, share structure, cloud credits, control of infra, dual affiliation research positions, open source, and more:…