Replies Was great to meet you in person finally! I listen to her on The Incomparable occasionally. She is really great. I pre-ordered Hidden Palace but have not started it since it has been years since I read G&J and I understand this book picks up right after that one, and I haven’t had time for a re-read.

That is the official instructions, but there are lots of tutorials online. You can move your PDS off of Bsky servers and host them yourself (or on one of the hosting providers which are starting to crop up) and remain connected to the network. thank you for coming and speaking! let's do it again next year! There is a PDX channel in the Discord! Weird, I musta mashed something when posting. Side effect of live-posting while watching and running around on the conference floor. 🙇 This is amazing! 🤨Wth!? That is great news! was joking with us how we bring the next ATmoCon to your doorstep next year… so hopefully we can get you back for a talk about that new work! 😊🤩 Excellent talk! Glad you got to talk about your work in front of this crowd. What is the next 40k word project for you? 😜 I was really hoping to meet you in person! Next time! I just found out now reading your post! I have no idea why Flickr chose that photo for the album cover in preview 🤷‍♂️ 鶴舞公園の近くに住んで、栄のアップルストアで働いていた。2008年から2010年の8月まで。会ったかなぁ??? Flying back to Canada! 🇨🇦 🍞 😅 I bet…

Last time I was in Thai was 2004. Maybe my memory of their drug policy is stale. 😳 wow! That used to be a caning! Wow that is snowy! It is 15 degrees here in Canada! yep I felt it! Listening to relaxing meditation tracks like crystal bowls and the like. Yoga nidra. Just really focusing on letting go of all the energy that is keeping me up. Check out Insight Timer for lots of free choices. /me liking this in solidarity at 3:49am

@news Excellent! No more bare links. Will it also unfurl images in the post too? "What these commentators are really complaining about: they spent well over a decade building up followings on these platforms and now people are looking elsewhere, rendering their investment moot. That's just too bad."

🎯🎯🎯 Ah man, I worked this Sunday night too. And now I am posting about it.

… time to go to bed. A really good album! For a long time I had been making eyes at the Supernote which is fully repairable, but it doesn’t support all the reading apps I would use. It is more for note taking. I want to read PDFs, Zotero, Kindle, Kobo, Libby… Boox was the next best choice. A friend has one that is pretty old and still works This is what my bedside shelf looks like now 👏 👏 👏 Come on! 😊 Let’s go to Seattle! If you want to see more photos from my trip to Lisbon check out my travel report: Thanks! I hope they make patches for sewing on racing jacket sleeves 🏎️ So happy to hear 2 TWO ✌️shoutouts for Kelowna by on this ep! Beauty, eh! Oops Alt text didn’t make it through: Plate of various items to put into sushi: kamaboko, egg, natto, raw tuna, etc A Japanese culture Discord I am in discovered the live camera for Nishiki Market in Kyoto. It was 2 blocks from my house at the time so I popped up there and waved to them on the camera 😊 Wow we have just a few patchy millimeters in Surrey Love this one!

@manton congrats! We just signed our docs earlier this week. Picking up the keys tomorrow. Best of times/worst of times… I am just happy to have my own home for the first time. Welcome to late-stage capitalism 🙈 You just reminded me of my friend Quinn’s talk This is great! Thank you you might be in a better timezone right now. Can you handle? Is this a loyalty test? Will they kick you off the network if you vote “wrong”? I think we should do a meetup when you return, and have you give a report on your experience at RightsCon (and your whole trip!)

@patrickrhone 👏 👏 👏 perfect 👌 Sorry! I found the app through your post with them but forgot to include Whoops the “mountains” prompt for the emoji was not replaced. People around the world: we do not call them the “Rockies Mountains” 🤦‍♂️ We regret the error. — The Editors