Takoyaki right from the traditional source 📸

Takoyaki right from the traditional source 📸
Started listening to Perdido Street Station (New Crobuzon, #1) by China Miéville 📚
Want to learn how to make digital music with visual programming? Or do you just want your mind blown for 10 straight minutes? Either way, we got you 🤯🎶🐸💘🦜 https://youtu.be/DNBKdU6XrLY?si=B0AQToJ2PLAQpCZZ
Mallory Knodel (@mallory@techpolicy.social) points out that 2024 is a big year for Internet governance. One of the challenges that I witnessed at IGF in Kyoto last year was the multilateralism v. multistakeholderism fight. Mallory writes:
States are currently empowered– see: regulation, “digital public infrastructure”, and AI for sustainable development; while the technical community has no clearly articulated affirmative and practical vision for the future of the open and interoperable internet.
Technology is politics.
We have been considering moving away from DnD as we wrap up our current campaign. Started reading this as one of the candidates The Wildsea: RPG by Felix Isaacs 📚#ttrpg
Monthly newsletter is out. This month’s message is short since there are so many links to photos of plum blossoms and castles and Tokyo!
Wednesday, February 28, 2024 →
Had this Korean roast today. Nice and light. Very smooth to drink! Had it at a small weekly pop-up. The owner travels lots and brings back all sorts of beans which he serves. Just spent 3 months in Sri Lanka, India & Nepal and has some assorted beans from there too. ☕️
Wednesday, February 28, 2024
The HN Tokyo Meetup. As one Kansai person told me: “I can tell it’s a meetup for people who are into frameworks.” Last week I went up to Tokyo on my annual pilgrimage to meet with old friends and make new connections. I timed my trip to coincide with the monthly Hacker News Tokyo Meetup. These social events regularly see a hundred or so hackers, entrepreneurs, and tech enthusiasts of all kinds come out to drink and be merry.
Wednesday, February 28, 2024 →
Blue sky at the train station. Today in Osaka was warm with a perfect sky. Spring is coming! 🌱🌼🌸
Wednesday, February 28, 2024 →
Osaka Castle from Genpachi Bridge. In a couple of weeks all those trees will be pink with cherry blossoms 🌸🌸🌸
Tuesday, February 27, 2024
I am posting this publicly so that I can reference it in links going forward. There might be a more common way to express this sentiment, this is just the way that I often do in conversation. It is something I came up with in discussing intentional communities with my wife a while back. Oftentimes, communities will tear themselves apart simply over battles over who is “pure” enough to belong. We see this political infighting in all sorts of communities at all sorts of scales.
Just watched DUNE for the first time since the theatre. I think I like it a lot more on the second watch. It is actually really well put together, quick pace… Just all the slomo and prophesying slow it down. Looking forward to seeing the second part in the next couple of weeks.
I haven’t been sick for quite a while. So I suppose I should not feel so betrayed, so wronged for being sick on this long weekend 😷 But it still sucks 😞
Back in the big 大
The HN Tokyo hntokyo.io meetup last night. About a 100 people on the PARCO rooftop in Shibuya. Gorgeous view. Tons of new friends made. The startup scene in Japan is so different compared to when I struggled in 2009-2010. Lots of interesting projects and successes!
Today I met @jamesvandyne in person! He showed me around his lovely office and then we went for a taco lunch 😏
We had a fun conversation about working in green tech, his CMS project Tanzawa, and all the cool innovation happening now on open social. The web is getting weird again! 🤘🥳
On the Shinkansen 🚅 bound for Tokyo. Meeting some old friends and new over the next few days as I do my annual working holiday in the big city. I am taking this time to do some strategy work, and also to attend the Hacker News Tokyo meetup for the first time. HMU if you see me there!
Good time connecting with the wider community of devs in Osaka. We talked about all sorts of topics including using CoPilot in multilingual environments. Then had a good hour of networking before heading back to the station and off for drinks and more conversation meetu.ps/e/MRJGJ/1…
Enjoying @emilydingwrites@mastodon.world latest newsletter #MovableWorlds The writing is evocative and the accompanying little clips & photos really set the mood. It just makes me want to sit down and write! I wish my newsletter could be so well crafted… movableworlds.co/p/finding…
The Heritage Foundations playbook for a Republican 2025 presidency will throw gas on the #ClimateCrisis turning everything including dishwasher cycles into a Culture War. Just scan the headers on this review of the 900 page document 🤯