We showed up just as they were getting the night market set up. It was absolutely pouring when the plane landed. But not too bad the rest of the day. We had “Buddha Head” fruit for the first time. Ate some great noodles at a vegetarian 卍 stand. So full of street food right now! 😋
Day 26: 📷 critter (@7robots) #mbApr
Some delicious critters at the night market from our first day in Taiwan.

On the train to get on the plane to fly to Taiwan!🇹🇼 Getting a jumpstart on Golden Week. All my photos for the rest of the Micro.Blog April photo challenge #mBApr will now switch from Sakura 🌸 to Taiwan themed. 🧋🥭🍍
Hard wind out there today 🌬🪨
Day 25: 📷 spine (@thedimpause) #mbApr
To the east of Osaka, floating above the tops of the buildings in the distance, is the Ikoma mountain range, the spine that runs up the middle of Kansai separating the Osaka Plain from the Nara Basin. This is my morning coffee view from the balcony. ☀️☕⛰️⛰️⛰️

Day 24: 📷 light (@eumrz) #mbApr
The cherry blossoms are long gone, so I have not held myself to that rule for the last couple of weeks, but I am glad to get you some cherry blossoms for tonight’s photo 💡🌸

Imagine interacting with your connected notes with a more engaging canvas view… that is programmable! “Visual-Semantic Morphism” is just one thing that came up in this cool presentation from @orion@hci.social
#Obsidian #OpenCanvas #ToolsForThought #UX #HCI

Started listening to The Blade Itself (The First Law #1) by Joe Abercrombie 📚
Recommended by my brother. Been a while since I read a straight forward fantasy in this style. Wanted something I could listen to on the airplane this week.
Well, hello there. 👋 If you don’t mind terribly, I should like to recommend this lovely video essay about Wes Anderson films and living with pain 🥹
Be well! I wish you the very best.
Started listening to Limitarianism: The Case Against Extreme Wealth by Ingrid Robeyns 📚
Chapter notes on Goodreads (https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6450313181) and Bookwyrm (https://bookwyrm.social/book/1617013/comment#reviews) if you want to follow along.
#EconomicJustice #limitarianism
Wife left the city for the mountains 🏔️ today. Came home with a giant mushroom 🍄🟫. Broiled it and cracked it open and a long centipede came out!! 🐛😱 Children are mortified and have sworn off food “for at least a week”! 😂
Day 23: 📷 dreamy (@maique) #mbApr
Love this local flower shop overflowing with leaves and twigs of all shapes and sizes. It makes me think of James C Scott. It also makes me think of my wife, since I buy stuff 💐 for her here.
Store name translates as:
夢 - dream 挿 - to put into a vase 花 - flowers

Just enough capitalism – A quick review of Slow Productivity
Monday, April 22, 2024
Slow Productivity by Cal Newport 📚 Cal Newport’s latest advice book tackles the question of productivity in knowledge work. Factory work can much more easily be measured and systematized. Newport points out that office workers, writers, artists, and scholars are often assigned tasks and must come up with their own individual system to be productive. These systems are opaque to managers, who end up relying on “visible activity” (which many busy office workers are familiar with) as the proxy for productivity.
Day 22: 📷 blue (@lzbth) #mbApr
A reclining Myaku-Myaku, official character of the Osaka Expo 2025.
(and yes, I know you are wondering but I can confirm he has an eye on his backside)

Just finished: A Prayer for the Crown-Shy by Becky Chambers 📚🥰☕️🫖🤖
Day 21: 📷 mountain (@dejus) #mbApr
Pouring rain 🌧️ so couldn’t get you a pic of Ikoma mountains which look amazing from my apt… so I went to the Ancient Mexico exhibit and got this ziggurat. See more pics: www.flickr.com/photos/sa…

Be kind! Forgive yourself! Don’t let things go to your giant Dry Clay Head (Mark Manders, 2015-2016)!
(Currently on display at the National Museum of Art, Osaka)
#Osaka #art

So, besides showing googly-eyes 👀 at the X100vi I have also been watching vids about the new Supernote (since I want an eInk tablet for reading papers) and been looking On1 vs Capture 1 as a Lightroom replacement. Feels like a whole new generation shift for personal kit 📷 📝 👨🎨
It was a nice blue sky this morning around Umekita before the 黄砂 yellow dust came in from the Gobi desert and clouded things up.
Day 20: 📷 ice (@the) #mbApr
25º in Osaka today. Tea, Waffles, and アイス